Fossil smartwatch gen 4

Fossil smartwatch gen 4

Fossil smartwatch is one of the best smartwatches when you want to buy an advanced smartwatch in budget. Fossil watch has different series and colors. Among them Fossil Smartwatch Gen 4, 5, and 6 are famous. There are lots of ways to customize these smartwatches which will be unique and as your style.

You can use a leather strap watch if you want to use the smartwatch as casual. And for the more active person, the silicone strap watch is best because it is more durable.

Can Fossil Smartwatch Gen 4 make calls?

Yes, partially you can answer the phone calls. When the phone call comes you will get two options one answer the call and another one is to decline the call and both options are available on your smartwatch. And also you will be able to see who calls you.

But the problem with the Fossil Smartwatch Gen 4 is when you press the answer. At this moment, you need your cell phone. The smartwatch hasn’t any speakers. If you want to talk then you need to connect to Bluetooth. With Bluetooth, you can answer the call after receiving the phone call through the watch. This Bluetooth works over 200 feet after so try to keep them close.

But you can replay the messages through the smartwatch. You can replay in two ways one is replay by texting the other is replay by voice message. Though you can text the keyboard is too small so it is hard to write. But the other way more comfortable, just press the mic button to record the voice message then send it. If the voice message doesn’t record properly then you can delete it and again record the voice message.

Is the Fossil Gen 4 waterproof?Fossil gen 4 smartwatch is an waterproof

Fossil Gen 4 and 5 have the ability to prevent the water insert into the watch. The water-resistance of this lineup is up to 30M. It can surprise you but it is true that they complete 10,000-stroke to test the water resistance. Fossil retweet of a user and share this information.

Fossil newer products are more advanced. The fourth-generation provides the standalone GPS system. They also develop the battery to extend its life and reduce the charging duration. The battery charge is lasting for 1 day after a charge for 1 hour.

Fossil Women’s Gen 4 Venture

This model has come with GPS, a Music player, Alarm, Heart rate monitor. To connect with the wireless devices it has Bluetooth. With this blue tooth system, users can connect the smartwatch to the wireless headphone, mobile phones, and other Bluetooth-supported devices.

The battery of the watch is strong compare to the previous one. In general mode, the battery life is for 24 hours. But in low-power mode, it can run for 2 days. They provide a USB rapid charger which is magnetic and in less than an hour it can charge the battery up to 80%.

You will get all mobile phone notifications by the smartwatch for this you need to connect it with your mobile phone through Bluetooth. The heart rate tracking system measures the heart rate automatically when you wear it.

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