Signs Of Parasites In The Body

Signs Of Parasites In The Body

In addition to the “normal” microorganisms that constantly live in the human body, we are exposed to pathogenic parasites from the external environment. Eating raw or poorly cooked meat and communicating closely with pets is the two most common ways of infection. Since parasitic invasions are very common, it is important to learn to recognize the symptoms of the disease. Let’s discuss the main signs of the presence of parasites in the human body and list the possible reasons for their occurrence.

Signs Of Parasites In The Body

How to suspect helminthiasis?

Giardia, hookworms, tapeworms, pinworms, candida is considered the most common intestinal parasites that live in a person.

If we talk in detail, then, for example, ankylostomiasis are centimeter-sized worms attached to the inner walls of the host intestine. Once there, they grow and multiply, stealing nutrients and preventing them from being absorbed by the host cells. The helminth larva can penetrate the skin, and the eggs can be swallowed or inhaled by humans. Sources of eggs and larvae of hookworm are animal feces and raw meat. Remember that pets lick and clean themselves with their tongue. It often happens that the hookworm larva attaches to the fur and through a kiss, affection enters the human body. Symptoms of hookworm:

  • blood in the stool;
  • cough sputum;
  • gas formation and bloating;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pale skin;
  • anemia;
  • loss of appetite;
  • frequent uncontrollable crying in babies (pediatric colic).

For a better understanding of the issue, we also note  general symptoms that signal the presence in the human body of the simplest, multicellular, as well as other organisms leading a parasitic lifestyle:

  1. Chronic digestive problems: flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
  2. Abdominal pain: upset stomach, cramps, weakness.
  3. Stool thin, with mucus. The presence of helminth eggs or spores of fungi in stools.
  4. Thirst for sweets, constant hunger, increased appetite or loss of appetite.
  5. Recurring cases of food poisoning.
  6. Feeling tired, exhaustion, mood swings, muscle and joint pain, discomfort throughout the body, shortness of breath, cough, asthma.
  7. Skin eruption in the form of eczema, urticaria, rosacea.
  8. Bad sleep, insomnia, nightmares, night sweats, teeth grinding in a dream.
  9. Vaginal itching around the vulva, anal itching, rash, and vaginal infections.
  10. Suppressed general condition: unexplained weight loss/weight gain, nutritional deficiencies, dehydration, fever, nervous exhaustion.
  11. Autoimmune disorders.

Symptoms of brain damage

Unfortunately, despite the blood-brain barrier, parasites can enter the brain and settle there. These include pork tapeworm causing cysticercosis; Fowler’s Naegleria, which provokes the development of primary amoebic meningoencephalitis; Toxoplasma – the simplest that causes toxoplasmosis.

Signs Of Parasites In The Body

  • Headache is one of the first symptoms that a person infected with these dangerous organisms may experience. Pain in the head is often accompanied by sensitivity to light, blurred vision.
  • Memory problems, disorientation, inability to make decisions are signs that a parasitic infection is growing and affecting brain tissue.
  • The fever develops as a reaction to a harmful microorganism that continues to progress. This activates the immune system.

Signs Of Parasites In The Body

  • Nausea, which occurs when the larvae attach themselves to the cavity with the cerebral fluid.
  • Hydrocephalus (excess fluid accumulation in the brain) occurs during the development of the disease.
  • Sudo horns, loss of balance, paranoia, hallucinations are important signs of brain damage by terrible “migrants.

Signs of lung damage

Trematodes are parasitic flatworms that infect the lungs and other internal organs. The causative agent is most often found in seafood, and if swallowed, it can get from the intestine into the pancreas, liver, and lungs. As a result of parasitic infection, patients may notice unpleasant symptoms.

  • A cough that can begin with a dry, irritating and develop into a strong cough with red streaks of blood.
  • Severe pain in the chest and abdomen as a result of inflammation.
  • More severe cases lead to severe fever.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Frequent episodes of pneumonia or bronchitis, which may indicate a possible localization of worms in the lungs. Parasites also contribute to the development of lung abscess.

Signs Of Parasites In The Body

Who is at risk?

In many cases, parasitic infections are caused by a person’s daily activities and lifestyle. The main reasons for the development of invasions experts call:

  • eating contaminated meat, fish, water;
  • the presence of parasites in your pet;
  • poor hygiene;
  • the habit of walking barefoot.

Intestinal parasites do not always show characteristic symptoms. For this reason, many people who are at high risk (traveling to different exotic countries; having domestic animals; living in areas with poor sanitation; differing in weakened immunity) need to follow the parasite cleaning protocol: year. Additional risk factors include children and elderly patients, caregivers working in kindergartens, and boarding schools.

Signs Of Parasites In The Body

Types of Parasites

Let’s voice the main types of intestinal parasites and methods of infection with them. So, you can get pinworms if you have a habit of poking dirty hands into your mouth, biting your nails. Very often pinworms occur in children. The hookworm is “picked up”, as mentioned above when it comes into contact with animal feces or contaminated soil when walking barefoot. Trematodes occur when consuming contaminated raw watercress, water, fish or snails. Roundworms infect the body if they feed on thermally unprocessed meat containing larvae.

How to identify them

Today, there are various laboratory tests that are used by medical professionals to identify and diagnose parasites in the human body. Usually, in such cases, prescribe:

  • analysis of feces on the egg list;
  • serological analysis of blood with the search for antibodies or antigens of parasites;
  • blood examination under a microscope;
  • X-ray, MRI, CT;
  • scotch test for pinworms;
  • Endoscopy (through the mouth) and colonoscopy (through the rectum) can be used to study the digestive tract.

Signs Of Parasites In The Body

Preventive measures

Make sure you wash your hands every time you touch the animals. You should also exclude foods (raw or undercooked, uncooked meat, fish, sushi) that can cause infection with pathogens.

Signs Of Parasites In The Body

If you suspect that someone is already living and parasitic in your body, you can use rectal insufflation – a special procedure for flushing the intestines with an ozone-oxygen mixture, which effectively destroys the worms and removes toxic waste from their vital activity. Include antiparasitic foods, herbs, vitamin, and multienzyme supplements in your diet.

Signs Of Parasites In The Body

To improve and restore healthy intestinal microflora, take probiotic preparations, as well as turmeric, ginger, garlic, pumpkin seeds, oregano oil, which have a detrimental effect on the parasites. Exclude from your menu refined sugar, simple carbohydrates (white bread, refined rice) in order to stop the growth of Candida fungus.

Signs Of Parasites In The Body

We hope that our article will help you recognize the first signs and symptoms of the presence of parasites, will allow you to think about the consequences and will serve as a reason for prompt access to a doctor!

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